
When you recognise an issue or dilemma

Be vigilant and recognise ethical issues - situations where there is not a clear ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer or where you find a decision difficult or where you are hesitant to act


Get the facts

Get the facts - ask yourself:

Are you clear on what precisely needs to be decided?

What are the relevant facts? And what is not known?

Do you have all the information you need?

Do you understand the risks involved?

Talk to others

Talk to others - ask yourself:

Have you consulted those with a stake in the outcome?

Who needs to support your decision?

Consider your options

Consider the options - ask yourself:

What are the options available to you?

Are any factors influencing your decision?

Select a solution


Rules - ask yourself:

Legal test - is it legal?

Compliance test - does it comply with Company policy


Values - ask yourself:

Values test - does it live our values?

  • Trust - Are we acting ethically/responsibly/consistently
  • Care - Have we listened? Have we considered everyone? Will it make a positive difference?
  • Innovation - Have we done our best? Have we tried new ideas?
  • Pride - Will we stand by this decision? Are we clear about the risks? Can we be proud that we did the right thing?


Personal - ask yourslef:

Family test - would you be proud to tell your family?

Public test - will it positively improve our reputation if it was public knowledge or tomorrow's headlines?

Gut feel test - does it feel like the right thing to do?


With confidence and transparency

Communicate your decision and your rationale for it


Its delivery and monitor its impact

Seek feedback on the impact of your decision

Ask yourself:

Has it addressed the issue?

Has it had the expected results?